E x H enables smaller, faster & lighter optical and RF designs
with advanced features and optimizations
holistically incorporates manufacturable gradient index profiles and metasurfaces
deeply discounted Non-Commercial licenses for education & training, hobbyists, and personal use

reTORT is a geometric-optics ray tracer for arbitrary 3D geometries, with a built in arbitrary material simulation engine, and incorporating the latest technologies including GRINs and metasurfaces. reTORT shares the same GUI and optimization engine with all of our solvers for interoperability.
reTORT has been in exclusive commercial use for optical and RF system design since 2016. This state-of-the-art ray tracer has undergone continual improvement over that time and is now being offered for universal licensing. For detailed information about reTORT's features and benefits, go to the E x H dedicated reTORT page.
reTORT easily simulates systems as arbitrary as a 90 degree junction for a graded index fiber-optic, followed by a second 90 degree junction, all dealing with a 5 degree Field Of View on the graded index fiber.
reTORT is capable of simulating ray traces using geometric optics. It can model and optimize complex lens systems with many elements.
Our Full-Wave Solvers
PFSS models the electromagnetic scattering of infinitely-periodic pixelated structures using frequency-domain electromagnetic solving methods.
PFSS can also model multi-layered pixelated structures on user-selected substrate materials.
PFSS Full-wave Multilayer Periodic Structure Modeling
PFSS (Periodic Frequency-Selective Surfaces) is a simulation tool used to rapidly and efficiently solve the problem of electromagnetic scattering from periodic, 2.5D structures for any incidence angle or polarization. The software is suitable for designing devices for RF, terahertz, infrared, and optical applications. As a specialized simulation tool, the solvers within PFSS can rapidly compute the scattering properties from periodic metallodielectric frequency selective surfaces, metamaterials, and antennas. The efficient nature of the solvers allows the use of GEMSIF's advanced stochastic optimizers to select the design properties.
The simulation capabilities of the PFSS tool are summarized in the list below. Details on the capabilities of the individual solvers PMM and PFEBI are included, though not explicitly connected.
- Doubly-periodic, rectangular, multilayered unit cells
- Fast, efficient calculation of scattering parameters from complex, inhomogeneous layered media
- Tight integration with optimization algorithms
- Plane wave incidence angular sweeps in theta and phi
- Frequency sweeps
- Dual-polarization excitation with cross-polarized reflection and transmission analysis
- Absorptivity and emissivity analysis
- Homogeneous and inhomogeneous material and boundary condition layers
- Isotropic, anisotropic, and bianisotropic dielectric materials
- Lossy and lossless dielectric and magnetic materials
- Dispersive and nondispersive materials
- Integration with GEMSIF material database
- Parallel and series RLC lumped elements
- Surface impedance boundary conditions across any voxel face
- Thoroughly tested and validated simulation kernels
About E x H Computational Electomagnetics
E x H provides its Customers with the Software Tools that enable the design of Optical and RF Systems that are dramatically smaller, lighter, with higher clarity, and allowing faster speeds and greater mobility.
We are in the business of changing your life for the better with ...
- Smaller, clearer lenses for optical systems, cameras, telescopes and more
- Enabling faster, mobile internet connection, both satellite and terrestrial
- Applications in both commercial and military industries
- The ability for designers to utilize the most advanced material and manufacturing methods
Our Software Solutions are specifically designed to allow the use of the most advanced additive manufacturing technologies for gradient index lenses and metamaterial surfaces to optimize your optical and RF product designs.
E x H began life at Penn State University with the idea of basing new electromagnetic design tools on the sophisticated modeling and design synthesis tools that have been developed by PSU's Computational Electromagnetics and Antennas Research Laboratory.
Thus began the design of state-of-the-art software around the advanced PSU electromagnetic solvers.
The goal of E x H is to provide a more intelligent approach to computational electromagnetics coming from the approach of inverse and optimization-based workflow.
Our software has already been used for the design of ...
- A mobile flat antenna for high speed satellite and terrestrial communications
- Microwave antennae utilizing phase gradient metasurfaces for radar and anti-terrorism defenses
- A bevy of optical gradient index lens systems
The name E x H was taken from the Poynting vector. This vector represents the directional energy flux of an electomagnetic wave, a central concept in our computational techniques. This vector was discovered by John Henry Poynting in 1884. The Poynting vector may be derived from Maxwell's equations. It not only represents direction but traditional concepts of conservation of energy. For us, it represents not only direction but also the excellence in design technique we seek to provide to our Customers.