Our Full-Wave Solvers
DGTD (Discontinuous Galerkin Time Domain)
DGTD (Discontinuous Galerkin Time Domain) is a simulation tool used to rapidly and efficiently solve the problem of electromagnetic scattering from meshed 3D structures for any incidence angle or polarization. The software is suitable for designing devices for RF, optical, terahertz, UV, and infrared applications. As a specialized simulation tool, the DGTD solver can rapidly compute the time-domain scattering response and also includes post-processing to compute frequency-domain solver results over a user-specified bandwidth. This solver is ideal for designing unit cells for metasurfaces or even for simulating an entire metasurface super cell.
The simulation capabilities of the DGTD tool are summarized in the list below.
- Supports solving of mixed tetrahedral and hexahedral mesh elements, allowing faster solve times by reducing the number of degrees of freedom
- Simulates PBC (Periodic Boundary Conditions) using an approach based on transformed variable method and PML
- Isotropic, anisotropic, and bianisotropic dielectric materials
- Dispersive and nondispersive materials
- Efficiently exploits the nature of DGTD as an element-level domain decomposition method by supporting CPU parallelization
- Local time-stepping scheme enables a significant speedup in analyzing multi-scale problems and inherits the intrinsic parallelization of the DGTD method
- Supports circularly polarized excitations