Tolerancing Wizard easy setup

Asymmetric Aspheric Surfaces, Export to CAD Features in reTORT v2.6

APRIL 25, 2022

Asymmetric aspheric surface capability has been enhanced in v2.6. Aspheric lenses are essential design objects in lens design. reTORT v2.6 provides for asymmetric (xy) and symmetric (r) aspheric surfaces. Either...


Tolerancing Wizard easy setup

Tolerance Analysis in reTORT

FEBRUARY 18, 2022

Tolerance Analysis is essential to any optical design to be manufactured. It's a set of techniques that must exist in every designer's workflow. It's up there right after a great...


Optimization Wizard Optimizer Settings and Workflow in Design

Global Optimization in reTORT – Can quicker global optimization improve your workflow and your ROI?

FEBRUARY 13, 2022

Global Optimization in reTORT can be valuable tool. For many, it has the potential to narrow your alternative design choices more quickly. But recently, we ran a focus group about...